Celebrating Southwark Cathedral’s cats on International Cat Day

Photo credit: © sarflondondunc, CC BY-ND 2.0

This International Cat Day is the perfect day to celebrate Southwark Cathedral‘s feline connection.

In 2008, a beautiful stray turned up at the door of the cathedral. Given warmth, food, love and the name Doorkins, she soon got her paws under the table and became an adored character amongst the parishoners and visitors. The celebrated feline had a book written about her and her fame helped raise much-needed funds for the wonderful cat charity, Catcuddles.

Following her passing in 2020, Catcuddles gave the cathedral a new feline friend, handsome Hodge, who is loved just as much as his cherished predecessor.

Evina Koroni (founder of Catcuddles) explained: “Hodge is destined to be the ever tolerant and serene, loving companion of many at Southwark Cathedral, which he will be calling home for the rest of his long life. We could not have found a more worthy feline to fit the privileged role of a service cat, or one as gentle to follow on Doorkins Magnificat’s paw prints.”

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