Inspiring Walt Disney: The Animation of French Decorative Arts at The Wallace Collection

A new exhibition is opening at The Wallace Collection on 6 April and tickets are on sale now. Presented in collaboration with New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, Inspiring Walt Disney: The Animation of French Decorative Arts explores the connections between this style and Disney’s creations. The display includes Disney’s hand-drawings alongside French 18th-century pieces of decorative art. This exhibition is a must for lovers of the arts and Disney fans alike.

The Wallace Collection, housed in Hertford House (the former home of the Marquesses of Hertford), is just a short walk from 9 Hertford Street. The museum’s treasury, amassed by Sir Richard Wallace and the Marquesses of Hertford in the 18th– and 19th-centuries, includes an extensive catalogue of French 18th-century paintings, furniture, porcelain and Old Master paintings which are displayed in the building’s 25 galleries.

The exhibition runs until 16 October.

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