Making History: The Ceramic Works of Simon Pettet at Dennis Severs’ House

Photo credit: © 9 Hertford Street

Running until 29 October, Making History, which is a wonderful retrospective of Simon Pettet’s reimagining of delftware, is being held in the fascinating home of Dennis Severs, 18 Folgate Street.

Dennis Severs met Simon Pettet in 1983 and they immediately hit it off. They both had a passion for creativity – Pettet was studying ceramics at Camberwell School of Art & Design and Severs, who had bought derelict 18 Folgate Street just 4 years previously, was creating a house as homage to its Georgian beginnings.

London historian Peter Ackroyd describes walking through 18 Folgate Street as “a journey through time; with its small rooms and hidden corridors, its whispered asides and sudden revelations, it resembles a pilgrimage through life itself.”. It is such a treat to visit, particularly now whilst Pettet’s brilliant works are on display, too.

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