The Great Exhibition Road Festival – 18 & 19 June

This weekend, The Great Exhibition Road Festival, which celebrates the arts and sciences, will be running in South Kensington. Featuring a fabulous programme of free workshops, talks, music and environmental activities, there is something for all ages to enjoy.

Highlights of the Festival include music from the Royal Albert Hall and the Royal College of Music, a climate-friendly pop-up kitchen, a fashion upcycling workshop (a must for The Great British Sewing Bee fans), a 3D scanning workshop with the Natural History Museum, South Kensington tours and a multitude of fascinating learning zones.

The Festival is inspired by the ethos of Prince Albert, who developed the Great Exhibition of 1851 (which was held in Crystal Palace on Hyde Park) to celebrate innovations in science. The Exhibition raised funds (surmounting to £186,000) to establish the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Natural History Museum and the Royal Albert Hall – some of London’s most important establishments which are in the vicinity of Exhibition Road.

Register for your places at the Festival here.

Photo credit: © Drew de F Fawkes, CC BY-ND 2.0

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